How can new vets excel in dentistry? Bite-sized wisdom from NVA’s General Practice Mentors
February 23, 2024 · CARE
Build your confidence. Success in dentistry leads to loving it. I help new DVMs build their confidence by teching good techniques, emphasizing the correct tools, and encouraging strong relationships with support staff. These opportunitites reveal the positive impacts and motivate DVMs to expand their skills. Dr. Beth Neuman, Lead GP Mentor
Pursue hands-on training. Most often, dentistry is not thoroughly covered in vet school, so many new vets must learn how to address dental disease properly. We guide them through the best training and how to apply that knowledge in practice. Taking the initiative to pursue hands-on training is crucial. Dr. Amanda Ensor, GP Mentor
Patience is key. For new grads, dentistry comes with a steep learning curve and can be frustrating. Many new vets strive for perfection on the first attempt. I remind them to slow down and be patient. It will come! If one technique doesn’t work, try another. And always ask for help! Dr. Sandra Faeh, Chief Veterinary Officer
Establish a routine. Excelling in dentistry is all about routine. Build one with technical staff and review exam findings until it becomes muscle memory. Soon you’ll be able to answer all-important questions like whether or not to extract a tooth. While new grads may not have much dental experience, we believe they can learn to love it! Dr. Christine Brennan, GP Mentor
Ready to sink your teeth into success?
Hone your dentistry skills and more with the support of an experienced mentor at one of our 1,000 practices.