NVA General Practice
Dr. Amy Kafer

Dr. Amy Kafer
Supports New Doctors In: CA, NV, UT
Fun Fact: I recently became a quarter inch taller after neck surgery – I have a whole new respect for IVDD dogs having lived through that myself!
Favorite Hobby: Reading, photography and baking. We are currently trying to perfect sourdough breads and doughnuts!
Vet School: Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Funniest Client Experience: A dog had come in on emergency for a foreign body ingestion, a big goofy black Lab named Buddy – the owner had been out golfing, and the dog had quickly eaten a golf ball that had landed near them. We started with emesis to see if we could get the ball out of the stomach. When it came out, the dog had vomited forcefully enough to cause the ball to bounce HIGH and FAR across the treatment area. The owner was shocked and said, “If that ball would bounce like that when I hit it, I’d be a lot closer to the green every time!”
Advice for new grads: Don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know” but follow it up with “but I’ll find out”. Be teachable! We all learn something every single day. If you need something, SPEAK UP – owners and management never got a class in telepathy. And last but not least, remember that at the end of the day, it is your job to do the best you can for your patients – if you have educated and informed an owner about the options and they ultimately choose something other than what you want, it is their decision and you have done the best you can in advocating for the patient. Do not let owner’s decisions weigh you down – this job is challenging already; you don’t need to carry the bricks for something that is out of your control.