NVA General Practice
Dr. Rena Carlson

Dr. Rena Carlson
Supports New Doctors In: AK, ID, MT, NE, WY
Fun Fact/Favorite Hobby: Never dreamed of becoming a veterinarian until my 3rd year in college. Helped hand raise a capuchin monkey as part of a work study job in vet school. Quote from classmate: “Rena is the least likely from our class to be President of AVMA”. This is a truly accurate quote and I want folks to know that so much is possible if you look for opportunities, take risks, fail, and get back up to try again. Favorite hobby is traveling and experiencing new places and things, spending time with grandson, biking.
Vet School: Washington State University
Advice for new grads: I use small phrases that are stuck in my head to help keep my focus on the right things and help dull all the “noise” (self-doubt and negativity) in my head and in the world. I will share a few:
Not every day is good – but – there is good in every day - Embrace the puppy, play with the kitten, rejoice with your team, and cherish the quiet times. I challenge you to find the “thing” that helps you be inspired and achieve your goals every day and helps bring you back to the simple pleasures in your life!
Pressure is a privilege and champions adapt - When the pressures of this profession are weighing heavy, remember this pressure is our privilege, afforded us by our education, our experience, and our passion. When the pressure is on, you are a champion, learn to adapt and keep moving forward.
“The foundation of mentorship is a relationship of trust and mutual respect. A mentor inspires a person to see what is possible. A mentor empowers someone to achieve and accomplish things they did not imagine. A mentor supports and encourages the individual’s own success and growing their own skills. The greatest satisfaction is seeing someone’s goals and interests become reality. Mentorship is a mutually beneficial relationship as well. Each learn from the other. Each grow in different ways from the connection.”